Monetizing Your Virtual Conference

Monetizing Your Virtual Conference

Going virtual doesn’t mean that you lose everything that an on-site event has! A lot of what you had planned for your on-site event can still occur online, it just may look a little differently.

Here are six ways you can maximize sponsorships and attendee revenue in a virtual platform:

Exhibit Halls

In your conference website, a virtual exhibit hall can be built out to house all the resources a sponsor wants to distribute to attendees. In each “exhibit booth”, the sponsor can upload PDFs, videos, company descriptions and links, and other resources. The exhibit hall will be open 24/7 – giving even more exposure for the sponsors that originally intended. The “exhibit booths” can also be upgraded to allow chat room style discussions between attendees and staff from the sponsoring organization. Your sponsors will get maximum and continual exposure to your attendees and will serve as a resource for attendees throughout the conference with having to have a booth “maned” the entire time.

Branding and Logo Opportunities

Because you are building this virtual conference site from the ground up – you have the ability to make an al a carte sponsorship of nearly any page on the website. Have a poster session? Offer this page a sponsorship add-on, with their logo in a prominent location on this busy web page. Giving an option for boosted exposure on commonly used pages on the virtual conference exposure is another way the sponsors can ensure they are getting ROI.

Commercials or Pre-Produced Videos

Sponsors could upgrade their commitment level to include a commercial or pre-recorded video to play before or after a session in the virtual conference. All the sponsor needs to do is provide the video ahead of time and it can be queued up! This gives the sponsor the attendees undivided attention, as they are preparing for or concluding a session. You can also chose to have that video as a permanent part of the archived recording, which means evergreen exposure for the sponsor!

Session and Speaking Opportunities

There are numerous ways to offer speaking opportunities to your sponsors in exchange for financial support.  You can offer an entire session to sponsors, or you can create a while section of your agenda dedicated to sponsors giving presentations! Allowing the sponsors to present gives them the feeling that they may miss of being in front of human people. It give a human interaction to a virtual setting.

Attendee Access Fees

Just as you would charge a registration fee for an on-site conference, you should be charging a registration fee for access to the virtual event. You can also break the access into per day or per session registrations if that suits your conference model better. You can also charge for access to various, high-profile discussions or resources. Attendee fees should not necessarily be less for a virtual conference, because while you are eliminating food and venue costs, you are now gaining hosting and technology costs.

Subscription Fees

Allowing your content to live on in an LMS is a smart move. You are able to continually add to your archive through the years of events and house more resources for 24/7 access. Just because an attendee paid for the conference does not necessarily mean they should receive access to the archives for an undetermined amount of time. You could restrict access to archives and other resources to those that choose to purchase subscriptions to your LMS platform. Entice your attendees to subscribe by offering exclusive content in the subscription model only.

Whether you are going virtual from the onset or rescheduling an onsite event, the conversation about monetization is important and necessary. There are many ways to drive revenue for a Virtual Conference, and these six options are only scratching the surface! Have any other ideas on how to boost revenue in a virtual format? We would love to hear from you at


Click HERE to see all the episodes from Going Virtual with Kate!


Peak User Group Conference 2020:Hit eLearning Out of the Park!

Peak User Group Conference 2020:
Hit eLearning Out of the Park!

CommPartners’ Peak User Group Conference started in 2018. After meeting clients face-to-face, and receiving positive feedback from participants, we knew this was something we wanted to repeat. So, we created a biennial, in-person learning and networking event that would bring together all the associates we work with within the eLearning space.

Now we have arrived at Peak 2020. Peak 2020 is a 2-day conference bringing together members from CommPartners’ growing community of clients, partners, and industry experts to network, collaborate, and learn. Enjoy a full schedule of Elevate LMS Training, Virtual Event Training, thought-leader presentations, and social opportunities with the thrilling backdrop of Nationals Park, home of the reigning World Series Champions, the Washington Nationals!

We designed this conference to specifically cater to prospective clients as well as current Elevate users using two educational tracks. Track A is more than just getting to know Elevate, it’s learning how to use the LMS to leverage your educational strategy. Track B focuses on getting the most out of Elevate, concentrating on creative and innovative uses for the LMS beyond what administrators might already be doing. These tracks are specialized to meet the needs of our learners, ensuring they have the tools to implement successful online educational programs.

If you have attended in the past, don’t expect the same content you saw at Peak 2018, says Kate Ratcliffe, Marketing Director, “as general technology is always changing, so is Elevate. We are going to highlight new features; we are going to highlight underused features”. Attendees will also have the opportunity to brainstorm with CommPartners’ team members to be sure they are best leveraging what they have learned throughout the conference within their organizations.

Whether you are already an Elevate user or you think it might be something you could use to enhance your education efforts, Peak 2020 has something to offer you:

What will you get out of Peak 2020?

  • Learn about Elevate LMS strategies and best practices
  • Make sure you are getting the most out of your current Elevate system or learn how your organization could benefit from an LMS
  • Hear about the latest online education trends from community experts
  • Pick up tips and tricks to keep your education program relevant and engaging
  • Earn CAE credits for your participation
  • Networking opportunities Engage fellow CommPartners’ clients to network and share ideas
  • Participate in fun activities such as dugout tours, batting practice, and have a picture taken with the world series trophy
  • Enjoy an evening at the ballpark with CommPartners’ staff and colleagues

Peak 2020 will be July 30-31, 2020, in Washington, D.C. Register now until March 26, 2020, for a “Pre-Season” discount. Please visit the Peak 2020 website for all the details. We are looking forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C., this summer!

Learn More!

From Client to Employee, Meet Cristyn Johnson

From Client to Employee, Meet Cristyn Johnson

Cristyn Johnson

Cristyn Johnson is the newest addition to the CommPartners team. She may be a new name to some clients, but she no stranger to Elevate or CommPartners. Cristyn is a former client who has joined us as a Client Development Manager. She told me a little bit about her position, what it was like to transition from client to team member, and what unique perspectives she brings to the table.


JR: What is your job title, and what will you be doing for CommPartners?

CJ: I am a Client Development Manager. I will be working with all existing clients – that includes Elevate, content capture, live-stream clients – helping them optimize their systems, brainstorming new ideas and initiatives they might be excited to embark on, and making sure they get the most out of our services.

JR: Exciting! What aspects of your new position are you looking forward to the most?

CJ: I am a huge professional development and learning nerd, so I am really looking forward to learning about all of the really cool projects and initiatives our clients are doing or could be doing with CommPartners.

JR: How about association education? What makes you excited working in this space?

CJ: I get really excited when other people get really excited about learning.

JR: Sounds like you’re in the right industry! So, you have the unique experience of coming to CommPartners as a former client, can you speak to what that transition was like?

CJ: In my previous position, I was managing our Elevate platform. As the position grew, I found myself drawn to helping others use the platform more effectively, think critically about how they use the platform, and how the end-users use the platform. So, it seemed serendipitous when this position at CommPartners became available where I could similarly help other Elevate administrators across the platform.

JR: Do you think that experience has given you a unique perspective you can use in your new position?

CJ: Absolutely! I think the association world is very unique with so many dynamics and strategies and ideas, and having that deeper knowledge is going to help me make more informed recommendations to clients. It also means, we can have a certain level of insight that we didn’t necessarily have before, new initiatives or new products can have an added association perspective built into the way they are created.

JR: Now that you’re working for CommPartners, what makes us unique compared to other online education companies you have worked with/have experience with?

CJ: CommPartners takes the time to listen and get to know all of our clients, and I felt that interaction when I was on the other side as a client too. That goes a long way in the association world because a lot of them are not-for-profit entities, other companies can write them off as a faceless name in a crowd – you don’t feel that with CommPartners.

JR: What’s a unique element of Elevate that really excites you?

CJ: Elevate has a module called Connect. It is a great way to connect all your users within your LMS. Where on a discussion board the conversation just kind of ends, the Connect Module allows you to create an interactive community with all of your Elevate users. Users can talk and share resources beyond single product interaction.

JR: Bonus question round! What is one movie you can watch over and over and over?

CJ: Slums of Beverly Hills!

Cristyn is looking forward to working with our clients to make sure they are getting the most out CommPartners’ products and services. If you have an idea you’d like to try out within your education services or feel like your education toolbox could use a refresh, contact Cristyn.
She is ready to find a new way to engage your learners or maybe better leverage what you already have.

Cristyn can be reached by email or phone (443) 539-4858.

Three Reasons to bring your Community into your Online Education Programs

Three Reasons to bring your Community into your Online Education Programs

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to present at the 2019 Higher Logic Super Forum, on the topic of community-based learning.  At the start of the session, I discussed the difference between training and learning.  I suggested that training tends to be one dimensional or instructional, in support of a specific process or job with a singular path towards the end goal.  Learning can be described as a multi-dimensional approach, that links educational experience and work performance.  It focuses on personal qualities and situational decision making.  Too often online education programs that fit well into the learning space are structured as training.  The problem is, there is little space created for engagement, conversation and sharing of ideas and this leads to minimal learner to learner or learner to instructor engagement.

A way to address this situation is to create space for sharing of ideas, reflection and connection among participants. This was one of the initial goals when we formed a close partnership with Higher Logic to bring learning and community together as a single offering.  While we have had some success achieving this on a macro level with an integrated user experience (UX), a single menu structure and seamless integration, we have not had great progress on a content level.

In my talk yesterday, I made the case that if you are offering online learning that is enhanced from a collaboration among participants, an integration of your community and LMS on a program level makes a lot of sense.  Here are three benefits of integrating discussions within your online course, virtual conference or webinar offerings:

  • Your community members have already taken time to set up their profile and participate in the community. They can now leverage that presence to engage fellow learners in a more focused way. Adding online education to their participation makes them more active and creates synergy between the two platforms, therefore increasing participation.
  • Satisfaction with a course will be enhanced when there is the opportunity to share ones ideas or thoughts with other learners.
  • Adding discussions provides a continuum of what is learned. It provides participants the opportunity to continue with the topic once the course is completed.

Recently, CommPartners enhanced its integration between Higher Logic’s Community and CommPartners’ Elevate LMS.  Is it time for you to make this a priority in 2020?

If you have questions on how to move forward with community based learning, contact Meghan Gowen, VP of Client Development at
CP Adds Certification Module to Elevate LMS

CP Adds Certification Module to Elevate LMS

Columbia, MD – April 30, 2019. CommPartners, a leading provider of Learning Management Software has announced the launch of their new Certification Module as a component of its Elevate Learning Management System. The Certification Module allows organizations who utilize Elevate, to provide their communities a more holistic method for validating learning achievement over a period of time.  Organizations who utilize Elevate as their LMS will now be able to provide online courses and other content that can immediately be applied towards a certification or re-certification within the same education platform.

The Certification Module allows administrators the ability to define eligibility prerequisites, earning requirements, duration and expiration. In addition, the module manages re-certification start periods and requirements, access eligibility, access costs, and defines required and elective courseware. Tracking of user progress keeps participants abreast of where they are in the process.

Richard Finstein, CEO of CommPartners stated:  “We are thrilled to add certification to our Elevate LMS.  It makes sense to have a single platform for a credentialing program and the eLearning content that contributes to that greater achievement.”


About CommPartners

CommPartners is an established leader in online education and event solutions to the association community. At the core of the company’s offering is our Elevate Learning Management System. To extend the value of Elevate LMS, we provide a wide range of online education services including curriculum design, instructional design, fully managed webinars, webcasts, livestream programs and virtual conferences.

To learn more about CommPartners, Elevate LMS and the Certification Module, visit or contact Meghan Gowen at

